Website Policy

About Us

This portal is not an official website of any Government, Public Sector or other such undertaking of Kerala Government. This website is intented to provide a free online portal where Kerala Govt employees and Job Aspirants can find useful informations, related orders and free software utilities.  All contents, software utilities, Govt oders etc. are obtained from various websites, welwishers and other social platforms. accepts no responsibility in relation to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or otherwise, of the contents. Hence users are advised to verify the information with the relevant Government department(s) and/or other source(s), and to obtain any appropriate professional advice before acting on the information provided in the Portal. 

Privacy Policy

KeralaService portal and Kerala Service App does not automatically capture any specific personal information from you, (like name, phone number or e-mail address), that allows us to identify you individually. We do not sell or share any personal  information to any third party (public/private). We gather certain information about the User, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, operating system, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited. We make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site unless an attempt to damage the site has been detected.

Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to Kerala Service website or other websites. Google's use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to our users based on their visit to Kerala Service website and/or other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting Ads Settings. (Alternatively, you can direct users to opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting

If you have not opted out of third-party ad serving, the cookies of other third-party vendors or ad networks may also be used to serve ads on your site, which should also be disclosed in your privacy policy in the following manner:

  • Notify your site visitors of the third-party vendors and ad networks serving ads on your site.
  • Provide links to the appropriate vendor and ad network websites.
  • Inform your users that they may visit those websites to opt out of the use of cookies for personalized advertising (if the vendor or ad network offers this capability). Alternatively, you can direct users to opt out of some third-party vendors’ uses of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting

Because publisher sites and laws across countries vary, we're unable to suggest specific privacy policy language. However, you may wish to review resources such as the Network Advertising Initiative for guidance on drafting a privacy policy. For additional details regarding cookie consent notices, please refer to

Copyright Policy

Creative Commons License is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


All contents, software utilities, Govt oders etc. are obtained from various websites, wellwishers and other social platforms. All information is provided on an as-is basis. accepts no responsibility in relation to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or otherwise, of the contents or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Hence users are advised to verify the information with the relevant Government department(s) and/or other source(s), and to obtain any appropriate professional advice before acting on the information provided in the Portal. 

At many places in this Portal, you shall find links to other websites/portals. This links have been placed for your convenience. Kerala Service is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites.

Contact Us 

Your valuable feedback Comments, Sugestion or any query, email us to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For submission of materials, software utilities and as such, email us to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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