Income Tax Utility Ver 8.00 (Updated as per 23/07/2024 Budget)
Tax Consultant unlimited version 8.00 for FY 2024-25 Updated as per 2024 Budget Changes
KWA Salary Assistant
Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill and Connected documents of KWA Employees
Water Analysis Assistant Ver 4.40
Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority

Calculation of Qualifying Service for Pension

As per the Latest Amendment of Rule 57, 64 & 65 of KSR, Part III vide GO(P) No.130/2020/Fin Dated 01/10/2020,Calculation of qualifying service and Rounding of fraction of a year etc. has been modified. Following are the steps to be followed in calculating qualifying service.

  •  Find the number of completed Calendar year of service
  • Then find number of completed Calendar Month of service
  • Then find number of days lett and number of leap years in entire service (Add one day for each leap year)
  • If the total number of remaining days plus an extra day for each leap year in the entire service is 30 days or more, it can be considered as an additional month.
  • Calculation of the period of additions to qualifying service, non qualifying service, if any, also shall be calculated applying the same principle above. 

Rounding of Service

  • Fraction of a year equal to three calendar months and above but less than nine calendar months would be treated as half year.[Rule 57, KSR Part II, 4th Amendment 2020]
  • Period of nine calendar months and above would be treated as a completed year.
  • 9 Years and one day or more days will be rounded as 10 years for minimum pension [Rule 57]
