KSR Amendments 2019

KSR Amendment (Twelth) 2019  vide GO(P)No.165/2019/Fin Dated 27/11/2019 - The period of interruption in the service on account of participation in strike is treated as 'Dies-Non', count for pension as qualifying service.

Date-213Tuesday, 03 December 2019 10:11
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KSR Amendment (Eleventh) 2019  vide GO(P)No.127/2019/Fin Dated 19/09/2019 - Enhanced fee for Duplicate Pension Book to Rs.250/- w.e.f. 23/09/2016 as per Rule 134 part III, KSR

Date-148Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:57
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KSR Amendment (Tenth) 2019 vide GO(P)No.126/2019/Fin Dated 18/09/2019 - Extraordinary pension  awarded to a Government official or his family who has been sick or injured or died while performing official duties as per the rules in Appendix - XIII under Chapter VI of Part III, Kerala Service Rules, has been withdrawn.

Date-147Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:51
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KSR Amendment (Nineth) 2019  vide GO(P)No.125/2019/Fin Dated 06/09/2019. Modification of Form 2 and Form II part II KSR 29/06/2015.

Date-146Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:41
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KSR Amendment (Eighth) 2019 Vide GO(P)No.123/2019/Fin Dated 06/09/2019. Change in Pay in the same scale of pay reckoned for calculating Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity and Family Pension

Date-145Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:36
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KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No.82/2019/Fin dated 09/07/2019. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service  or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext

Date-144Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:22
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KSR Amendment (sixth) 2019 -Vide GO(P)No.52/2019/Fin Dated 03/05/2019, Insertion of Rule 102C - Special leave up to 90 days connected to inquiry of Sexual harassment to the aggrieved female employees w.e.f 31/08/2017.

Date-143Sunday, 20 October 2019 21:08
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KSR Amendment 2019 (Fifth Amendment) Vide GO(P)26/2019/Fin Dated 07/03/2019, Revison of DCRG Limit, Minimum Pension and other pensionery benefits w.e.f 01/07/2014 as per Pension Revision order GO(P) No.09/2016/Fin Dated 20/01/2016.

Date-142Sunday, 20 October 2019 20:57
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KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.19/2019/Fin Dated 22/02/2019, while entering the details of advice memmo and appointment order, details as to whether the appointment is in merit quota or reservation quota shall be entered in the service book.

Date-140Saturday, 19 October 2019 23:57
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KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.20/2019/Fin Dated 22/02/2019, the pension calculated at the time of retirement is less than fifty percent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay of the post from which they retired, fifty percent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay shall be ensured and that for retirees who are not eligible for full pension, the propotion of the full

Date-139Saturday, 19 October 2019 23:47
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KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.16/2019/Fin Dated 20/02/2019, the Family Pension / Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity / Share of Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity due to the minor children of deceased Govt Employee as per the provisions of Part III KSR shall be payable to their grand parent on production of de-facto guardianship certificate issued by the District Collector /

Date-138Saturday, 19 October 2019 23:30
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KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.18/2019/Fin Dated 20/02/2019, the income criteria for family pension shall not be applicable to in the case of divorced disabled daughter and widowed disabled daughter w.e.f. 26/07/2016 and also omitted the word 'unmarried' occuring in condition (1) to sub rule (7) of Rule 90 Part III KSR w.e.f. 18/04/2012.

Date-137Saturday, 19 October 2019 23:16
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KSR Amendments 2018