Income Tax Utility Ver 8.00 (Updated as per 23/07/2024 Budget)
Tax Consultant unlimited version 8.00 for FY 2024-25 Updated as per 2024 Budget Changes
KWA Salary Assistant
Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill and Connected documents of KWA Employees
Water Analysis Assistant Ver 4.40
Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority

Sanctioning of TBHG - Clarification Order dated 19/10/2019

    Vide GO(P)No.141/2019/Fin Dated 19/10/2019, Govt have issued clarification order for santioning Time Bound Higher Grade on Completion of 8, 15, 22 and 28 years of service in the entry post. First TBHG will not be given if  got promotion within 8 years of service, Second TBHG will not be given if got two or more promotion within 15 years, Third TBHG will not be given if got Three or more promotion within 22 years and Fourth TBHG will not be given if got four or more ptomotion within 28 years. The eligibility criteria of TBHG is as follows.

8th Year TBHG 15th Year TBHG 22nd Year TBHG 27th Year TBHG
If only no promotion in the first 8 Years Maximum one promotion during the first 8 years Maximum two promotion during 0 - 15 years Maximum three promotion during 0 - 22 years
  And no promotion during 8 to 15 years And no promotion during 15 - 22 years And no promotion during 22 - 27 years


This clarification order has been cancelled w.e.f. 19/10/2019 vide GO(P)No.21/2020/Fin Dated 25/02/2020.

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