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Kerala Water Authority Technical Service Rules, 2023 vide G. O. (P) No. 1/2023/WRD dated 27/01/2023.

Date 01-02-2023
File Size 470.91 KB
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Right to Information Act - Malayalam notes and forms by Sri.Lalith Babu, State Resource Person (RTI Act). Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Blog:

Date 15-10-2022
File Size 11.07 MB
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Kerala Water Authority - Vide GO(P) No.29/2021/WRD Dated 04/12/2021, issued amendment to Ministerial Special Rule 2011 for effecting 10% reservation for LD Clerk/LD Typist Appointment  from low paid employees of KWA.

Date 17-12-2021
File Size 195.9 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Duties of Employees Regulation 1999 (Duties and Responsibilities of KWA Employees)

Date 18-10-2021
File Size 4.36 MB
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Kerala Government Servants' Conduct Rules 1960 (incorporating amendments upto 07/08/2014)

Date 25-05-2021
File Size 2.73 MB
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Vide Order GO(P) No.33/2021/Fin Dated 23/02/2021, modified the GPF (K) Rule 4.1 (a)  for including Part time Teachers under General Provident Fund Rules.

Date 24-02-2021
File Size 624.59 KB
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KS&SSR Amendment (5th) 2020 - Inserted Economically Weaker Sections in Part-I sub rule 6(A) vide GO(P)No.14/2020/P&ARD Dated 23/10/2020. As per the amendment, 10% of the vaccancy is reserved for newly inserted Economically Weaker Sections in General Category.

Date 25-10-2020
File Size 229.58 KB
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Kerala Panchayat Building Rules, 2019 issued vide GO(P) No.78/2019/LSGD Dated 02/11/2019.

Date 06-10-2020
File Size 2.7 MB
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Kerala Panchayat Building (Amendment) Rules, 2020 - Amndment to the Kerala Panchayat Building Rules 2019 vide GO(P) No.56/2020/LSGD Dated 24/09/2020

Date 06-10-2020
File Size 413.51 KB
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Vide Notification No.6936/Leg.A1/2020/Law. dated 30/04/2020, Govt. issued Ordinance called the Kerala Disaster and Public Health Emergency (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 2020. As per the ordinance, in the event of any disaster or public health emergency, Govt shall defer, the pay in part, to the extent not exceeding one-fourth of the total monthly pay, due to an employee employed by the Government for such period, for the management of the situation arising out of such disaster or public health emergency or otherwise.

Date 30-04-2020
File Size 232.69 KB
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Amendment to Kerala Last Grade Service Rule issued vide GO(P) No.12/2016/P&ARD Dated 04/06/2016

Date 26-04-2020
File Size 271.87 KB
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Kerala Last Grade Service- Special Rule -1966  vide GO(P)No.82/P&ARD dated 8/03/1966

Date 26-04-2020
File Size 2.62 MB
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The Kerala Public Works Account Code (Vth Edition-2013)

Date 16-12-2019
File Size 4.21 MB
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The Kerala Treasury Code Vol I (IV Edition 2013)

Date 16-12-2019
File Size 4.31 MB
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Kerala Account code Vol.I (IV Edition)

Date 16-12-2019
File Size 682.29 KB
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Kerala Account code Vol.I (III Edition)

Date 16-12-2019
File Size 505.56 KB
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General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules 2011 issued vide GO(P) No. 94/2012/Fin Dated 07/02/2012

Date 27-11-2019
File Size 447.75 KB
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Kerala Water Authority Accounts Manual 1993

Date 31-10-2019
File Size 25.46 MB
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Store Purchase Manual - Amendment 2018
Date 21-07-2019
Language  English
File Size 164.28 KB
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Vide notification No.G.O.(P)No.4/2019/P&ARD Dated,11th July, 2019 issued Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) Amendment rule 2019.
Date 14-07-2019
Language  English
File Size 404.58 KB
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Kerala Water Authority Ministerial Special Rule 2011

Date 26-08-2016
Language  English
File Size 163.41 KB
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