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Vide GO(P) No.404/2011/Fin dated 24/09/2011,order has been issued regarding the admissibility of Special Conveyance Allowance for differently abled employees during the period of special casual leave.

Vide GO(P) No.104/2024/Fin dated 07/12/2024, modified order has been issued regarding the admissibility of Special Conveyance Allowance for differently abled employees during the period of special casual leave.

Vide Letter No.1567845/Edu-A2/134/2020/Finance (Education-A) Dated 26/02/2021, clarified that Conveyance Allowance is admissible on vacation also.

Sanctioned Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped Employees vide Order GO(P)No.364/1980/Fin Dated 11/06/1980.