Time Bound Higher Grade Eligibility Rules
Scheme for Higher Grade [8th, 15th, 22th & 27th Years]
- The first Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of Eight years of service in the entry post.
- The second Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of 15 years of service in the entry post and the first regular promotion post/time bound higher grade taken together.
- The third Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of 22 years of total service in the entry post and the regular promotion post(s)/time boundhigher grade(s) taken together.
- A fourth Time Bound Higher Grade on completion of 27 years of total service in the entry post and the regular promotion post(s) /time bound higher grade(s) taken together.
Eligibility [w.e.f 01/02/2016]
- Employees who remain in their entry posts in the scales of pay ranging from Rs. 16500-35700 to Rs. 19000-43600 will be granted four higher grades on completion of the above specified periods of service in their posts.
- Employees who remain in their entry posts in the scales of pay ranging from Rs. 20000-45800 to Rs. 26500-56700 will be granted three higher grades on completion of the above specified periods of service in their posts.
- Those on entry posts with pay scales ranging from Rs.27800-59400 to Rs.40500- 85000 will be granted two time bound higher grades, the first on completion of 8 years of service in the entry post and the second on completion of 15 years of total service in the entry post and first promotion post/ higher grade taken together.
- For direct recruits against posts carrying the scales of Rs.42500-87000 to Rs.55350-101400, one higher grade promotion in the scale as shown below will be given on completion of 8 years of service.
- For the incumbents in the posts on scales of pay above Rs.55350-101400 no Time Bound Higher Grade will be allowed.
- If there is a regular promotion post (including ratio promotion post) in respect of the categories of posts (entry) coming under pay range from Rs.16500-35700 to Rs.32300-68700 and its scale of pay is higher than the Time Bound Higher Grade proposed , then the qualified incumbent will be given the scale of pay of the regular promotion post in the direct line of promotion as Time Bound Higher Grade scale. [Pay Revision 2014, Annexure III, Para 6]
- Unqualified hands will be allowed the next higher scale of pay above that of the scale of pay of the post held at that time, in the standard scales of pay in Annexure I of Pay Revision Order.
- In respect of categories of post coming under the pay scale ranging from Rs.35700- 75600 to 40500-85000 the Time Bound Higher Grade will be as specified in Table II of Annexure II. Scales of pay of regular promotion post will not be given in these cases [Pay Revision 2014, Annexure III, Para 9]
General Conditions
- The service rendered in the entry post and reckoned for normal increments will be treated as the qualifying service for granting Time Bound Higher Grades in that post.
- Period of Leave on loss of pay, not reckoned for increment will not be reckoned as qualifying service for granting Higher Grade.
- Increment bar period with cumulative effect will not be reckoned as qualifying service for granting Higher Grade.
- Service not counted for increment as a punishment, will not be reckoned as qualifying service for granting Higher Grade.
- Dies-non period will be reckoned as qualifying service for granting higher grade.
- Period of Temporary relinquishment of promotion will not be reckoned as qualifying service for granting Higher Grade.
- The term ‘entry post’ shall be defined as the post to which an employee is initially appointed in Government service by direct recruitment by the competent authority. Appointments made by PSC, “by transfer” from other categories will also be treated as equivalent to direct recruitment for allowing the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade.
- Those who relinquish regular promotion, whether permanently or for specified periods , will not be given the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade promotions. Similarly, an employee who got the benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade promotion will on no account be permitted to relinquish regular promotion to that grade either permanently or for specified periods.[Pay Revision 2014, Annexure III, Para 17]
- The employees in the entry scales of pay of Rs.17000-37500 and Rs.17500-39500 will be eligible for reckoning their last grade service also for allowing 22 years third Time Bound Higher Grade. This benefit will not be allowed to first, second and fourth Time Bound Higher Grades. The employees in the posts having the revised entry scale of Rs. 18000 - 41500 and above are also not eligible for this benefit. [Pay Revision 2014, Annexure III, Para 18]
- The ex-servicemen who are under war/military service got appointment in the state civil service in Gazetted and Non-gazetted posts are eligible to get the benefit of first time bound higher grade by counting their war/military service.
- In the case of inter departmental transfer, the prior service in the same post in the former department will also be reckoned as qualifying service for granting Higher Grade.
- Provisional service in respect of those who got regular appointment prior to 01/10/1994 reckoned for granting higher grade.
- Declaration of probation is not necessary for granting time bound higher grade. [GO(P)No.62/81(282)/Fin Dated 20/01/1981]. In such cases, pay will be fixed on the basis of pay he has actually drawn in the lower post on the date of grade promotion, but next increment will be allowed only after probation declaration.
- Those who initially appointed in one Department, who got appointment by direct recruitment (PSC) in the same post in another Department will be eligible for TBHG by reckoning their prior service, provided the same has been reckoned for increment in latter Department. [GO(P)No.300/2004/Fin Dated 26/06/2004]
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- Hits: 27173
Pay & Allowances admissible on Joining Time [Rule 136, KSR Part-I]
- Joining time shall be regarded as on duty during that period and shall be entitled to joining time pay equal to the pay which was drawn before relinquishment of charge in the old post.[Rule 136]
- Compensatory allowances, and house rent allowance are also admissible as applicable to the old station from which he was transferred. [Rule 136]
- Hill Tract Allowance(HTA), Higher Qualification Allowance(HQA), Allowances granted to officers deputed for training and other compensatory allowances granted under Class Class VI of Appendix IV may be allowed as applicable to the old station from which he was transferred [Rule 44(IV)]
- Conveyance Allowance or Permanent Travelling Allowances not admissible on joining time [Rule 136 & 44(IV)]
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Probation Rules
- Probationer.-means an officer employed on probation in or against a substantive vacancy in the cadre of a department [Rule 12(28), KSR Part-I]
- The period of probation for persons appointed by direct recruitment or recruitment by transfer through Public Service Commission shall be two years on duty within a continuous period of three years and for persons appointed in a post or category from another post or category in the same service or appointed by transfer from one service to another within the same Department or in another Department (where direct recruitment is not resorted to) shall be one year on duty within a continuous period of two years [Rule 28(a)(iii), KS&SSR Part-II]
- The period of Probation of Last Grade Servants recruitrd by direct shall beone year on duty within a continuous period of three years and for persons appointed by promotion shall be one year on duty within a continuous period of two years. [Rule 9, Last Grade Service Rule -1966]
- Increment accruing consequent on declaration of probation shall be drawn only with effect from the date of completion of probation but subsequent increment shall be drawn on the first day of the month in which they fall due. [Rule 31(GD.2), KSR Part-I]
- A probationer whose, period of probation is two years and whose increment is annual shall be entitled to draw the first increment in the time-scale of the probation post after putting in the service required to earn an increment. The second increment shall be drawn only with effect from the date from which he is declared to have completed his probation. Delay in completing probation will not however, affect his future increments and these will accrue on the normal incremental dates [37B(b)1, KSR Part-I]
- In the case of a probationer whose period of probation is one year and whose increment is annual, the first increment in the scale of pay of the probation post shall be drawn only with effect from the date on which he is declared to have completed his probation. Delay in completing probation will not, however, affect his future increments and these will accrue on the normal incremental dates.[37B(b)2, KSR Part-I]
- If any period of the service of a probationer does not count for probation, he shall complete the period of probation of one year or two year’s duty, as the case may be, by being on duty for an equal period from the date of expiry of one year or two years as the case may be after the commencement of the probation. In cases where the above period is expressed in terms of months and days, then such period shall be calculated as provided in Rule 12 (21) of Part I, Kerala Service Rules. In cases where the absence is expressed in days, the date of completion of probation shall be extended by the number of days of such absence. [37B(b) Note, KSR Part-I]
- An officer shall be entitled to draw in the probation post the pay for which he would be eligible from time to time under the provisions of Rule 28A, Rule 33 (c) or Rule 37, as the case may be [37B(c)]
- A member temporarily promoted shall not by reason only of such promotion, be regarded as a probationer in the category or grade to which he has been promoted, or be entitled to any preferential claim to future promotion [Rule 12, KS&SSR, Part-II]
- A probationer has appeared for any tests or examinations within the period of probation prescribed in connection with the acquisition of any such qualifications and the results of the tests or examinations for which he has appeared and passed are known only after the expiry of the prescribed period of probation, he shall be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his probation on the date on which he has completed the prescribed period of probation [Rule 19(b)(ii), KS&SSR Part-II]
- The probationer shall be deemed to have satisfactorily completed his probation on the day following the last date of the whole examination or test in which the probationer has acquired the special qualification or has passed the prescribed tests by passing one more subjects, if such date is earlier than the date of expiry of the extended period of probation [Rule 20(b), KS&SSR Part-II]
- Extension of probation. In the case of any probationer, the Appointing Authority may extend his probation for a maximum period of one year to enable him to acquire special qualifications or pass the prescribed tests, as the case may be, or to enable the appointing authority to decide whether the probationer is suitable for full membership or not. Extension of probation beyond one year may, however, be ordered by Government if found necessary [Rule 21, KS&SSR Part-II]
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Increment [Rule 31]
- An increment shall ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless it is withheld [Rule 31]
- An officer shall not be eligible for an increment unless he has acquired the obligatory departmental test qualifications, if any, prescribed [Note 1]
- An Officer shall not be eligible to draw his first increment until he subscribes to State Life Insurance Scheme and Group Insurance Scheme as specified in Rule 22A and 22B respectively.[Note 3]
- An increment shall be granted from the first day of the month in which it falls due. [GD-1]
- Increment accruing consequent on declaration of probation shall be drawn only with effect from the date of completion of probation but subsequent increment shall be drawn on the first day of the month in which they fall due [GD-2]
Maximum number of stagnation increments allowed will be five, out of which four will be annual and fifth one biennial, subject to the condition that maximum basic pay after adding stagnation increment shall not exceed the maximum of the master scale of Rs.1,20,000/- [GO(P).No.07/2016/Fin Dated 20/01/2016, Para-12]
Dies Non period shall be counted for the purposes of increment [Rule 14A Part-I]
The periods spent in training and on the journey to and from the place of training will be treated as duty for purposes of leave, increments and pension. [Rule 26 Note-I, Part-I, kSR]
All duty in a post on a time-scale counts for increments in that time-scale. [Rule 33(a)]
Periods of service in a post on a time-scale at the same stage of pay only will count for increment in that time-scale.[Rule 33, Ruling]
All leave except leave without allowances taken otherwise than on medical certificate and service on deputation count for increments in the time-scale applicable to a post in which an officer was officiating at the time he proceeded on leave or deputation and would have continued to officiate but for his proceeding on leave or deputation: [Rule 33(b)(2)]
Leave without allowances taken without production of medical certificate in continuation of maternity leave in accordance with the proviso to Rule 102 will count for increment. : [Rule 33(b)(2)]
Joining time counts for increments :-[Rule 33(c) Note-1]
The Government may grant a premature increment to an officer on a timescale of pay. [Rule 34] Good service entries and incentive awards are possible variants to advance increments for the recognition of meritorious service rendered by Government servants. [Rule 34(2)] *Advance increments for meritorious service may be granted to both Gazetted and non-Gazetted Officers. . [Rule 34(4)GD-3]
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Furnishing of Undertaking to refund excess payment - Time Limit Extended
Oders issued vide GO(P)No.169/2019/Fin dated 13/12/2019 that all Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees including those on deputation should furnish the undertaking in duplicate in the appended form within three months from the order date. One copy of the undertaking of Non-Gazetted employees will be pasted in the Service Book with supporting entries in the service book and the other copy will be kept under the safe custody of Drawing & Disbursing officer/ Head of office. One copy of the undertaking of Gazetted employees will be sent to the Accountant General through their Drawing & Disbursing officer concerned and the other copy will be kept under the safe custody of Drawing & Disbursing officer/ Head of office. Increment accruing after three months from the date of this order will be sanctioned only after the undertaking is furnished. Click the below link to download orders and undertaking forms.
The time limit of furnishing undertaking has been extended upto 30/09/2020 vide GO(P)No.70/2020/Fin Dated 02/06/2020.
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