Recenly Added in Downloads
Vide GO(P)No.2/2025/GAD Dated 20/01/2025, participation in Strike on 22/01/2025 treated as Dies-non under rule 14A of Part I KSR. Pay withheld for participant from the salary of Feb 2025.
Tax Consultant unlimited Ver.8.20 (Updated for FY 2024-25 on 07/12/2024 as per 12% DA order ) - An excel programmed utility for the preparation Income Tax related forms like Annual Statement, Anticipatory Statement, Form 10E, Form16, Form 12BB, Annexure-II and Consolidated Statement for any Financial Year. Option for comparing tax in Old and New regime of Employees and Pensioners.
Kerala Water Authority - Circular has been issued vide No. KWA/JB/5869/2023 R1(RMC) dated 19/12/2024 regarding the renewal and receipt of Application for Water Charge concession for BPL consumers for the Year 2025. To avail the BPL concession, consumer has to submitt online application through ...
Vide GO(P) No.99/2024/Fin Dated 19/11/2024, orders has been issued for the renewal of Jeevan Raksha Scheme (Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme - GPAIS) for the year 2025. Premium amount is 1000/- and sum insured is Fifteen Lakhs. Premium may be deducted from November month salary and should be remitted before 31/12/2024.
Vide GO(P) No.91/2024/FIN Dated 26/10/2024, sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (3%) due on 01/07/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along with the salary of October 2024. The order did not mention the DA arrears from 01/07/2021 to 30/09/2024.
KS&SSR Amendment (Second) 2024 - Paternity Leave, Miscarriage leave including abortion [Rule 101], Hysterectomy Leave [Rule 101A] also reckoned as duty for probation vide amendment Order No.G.O.(P)No.6/2024/P&ARD dated 23/09/2024
Vide GO(P)No.77/2024/Fin Dated 06/09/2024, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2024 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- & Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc @ 6000/- which should recovered in five eaqual installements from the salary of October 2024.
Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.78/2024/Fin Dated 06/09/2024 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Special Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2023-24
General Provident Fund Nomination Form (Form B) - New form of GPF Nomination modified as per Circular No.47/2024/Fin dated 02/08/2024.
Vide GO(P) No.23/2024/Fin Dated 16/03/2024, Orders issued to credit the Earned Leave Surrender for the year 2024-25 in the Provident Fund w.e.f 01/04/2024 and this cannot be permitted to withdrawn till 31/03/2028. Those employees including provisional hands who do not have Provident fund,Last Grade Employees & Part-time contingent employees will be paid in cash w.e.f 01/04/2024.
Vide GO(P) No.17/2024/FIN Dated 12/03/2024, sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (2%) due on 01/01/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along with the salary of April 2024. The order not mentioned the DA arrears from 01/01/2021 to 31/03/2024.
KS&SSR Amendment (Third) 2023 - Vide G.O. (P) No.17/2023/P&ARD dated 30/11/2023, in rule 3 inserted "Provided that request for relinquishment of right for promotion/appointment by transfer to a post, under the above rule, shall not be allowed if such request for relinquishment is submitted by the employee on or after the date of order by which the person was promoted or
...Vide GO(P)No.86/2023/Fin Dated 16/08/2023, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2023 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- & Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc @ 6000/- which should recovered in five eaqual installements from the salary of October 2023.
Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.85/2023/Fin Dated 16/08/2023 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Special Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2022-23
Vide GO(P) No.66/2023/Fin Dated 30/06/2023, Orders issued to credit the Earned Leave Surrender for the year 2023-24 in the Provident Fund w.e.f 01/07/2023 and this cannot be permitted to withdrawn till 30/06/2027. Those employees including provisional hands who do not have Provident fund, will be paid in cash w.e.f 01/07/2023.
Vide Circular No.58/2023/Fin Dated 17/06/2023, issued direction regarding the Aided School/ College services for calculation of Pension qualifying service. Only full time regular service will be reckoned for pension w.e.f 10/08/2018.
KSR Amendment (2) 2023- Vide GO(P) No.58/2023/Fin Dated 14/06/2023, inserted new sub rule (c) under rule 26, KSR Part III as "(c) If a Government servant is removed from service on the reason that the officer proceeded on leave as per Appendix XII A,XII B and XII C of Part I of the KSR and failed to return after the expiry of leave, then he/she will not be
...Disbursement of Pensionary Benefits without delay to Employees Retired from Service - Orders Issued vide GO(P)No.46/2023/FIN Dated 08/05/2023
Vide GO(Ms) No.7/2023/P&ARD Dated 29/03/2023, Free chance for Compulsory Departmental Test is extended to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings.
Vide GO(P) No.33/2023/Fin Dated 31/03/2023, the Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for the Financial Year 2023-'24, by all Categories of Employees and Teachers including those on temporary appointments will be deferred till 30th of June 2023. This order will not be
...Group Peraonal Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) Revised insurance amount, Premium & Renamed as Jeevan Raksha Scheme w.e.f 01/04/2023 vide GO(P) No.17/2023/Fin Dated 22/02/2023.
Kerala Water Authority - Water tariff revision w.e.f 03/02/2022 @ 1 paisa/ Litter vide GO(Ms) No.11/2023/WRD dated 03/02/2023 - Revised tariff chart for Domestic, Non-Domestic, Industrial, Sewerage Charge, Public Tap, Bulk Water Supply and Bulk Water Supply.
Kerala Water Authority Technical Service Rules, 2023 vide G. O. (P) No. 1/2023/WRD dated 27/01/2023.
Kerala Water Authority - Circular has been issued vide No. KWA/HO/RMC/R2/1044/2020 dated 23/12/2022 regarding the renewal and receipt of Application for Water Charge concession for BPL consumers for the Year 2023. To avail the BPL concession, consumer has to submitt application along with copy of Ration Card and Adhar Card on or before 31/03/2022.
Deduction of Tax at Source - Income Tax deduction from Salaries during the FY 2022-23 under section 192 of Income Tax Act 1961 - Circular No.24/2022 Dated 07-12-2022.
Vide GO(P) No.140/2022/Fin Dated 21/11/2022, orders has been issued for the renewal of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) for the year 2023. No changes in the premium amount and sum insured.
Reckoning of Commutation Factor of Pensioners whose date of birth falls on 1st day of month - Modification to Note below rule 6 of Pension (Commutation) rules, Part A, Appendix-10, Part-III, KSR.
Excel utility for the fixation of Pay in revised scale and fixation of Pay for Promotions / Higher Grade on or after 01/07/2019 with Pay Revision & DA Arrear bill generation and data import function as per Eleventh Pay Revision Order. Included Fixation Statement for pasting in Service Book as per Circular No.31/2021/Fin Dated 29/03/2021.Updated with Pay Revision of
...Revision of Pay and Allowances of employees of Kerala Water Authority – Recommendations of the 11th Pay Revision Commission implemented – orders issued. vide GO(P) No.23/2022/WRD Dated 25/10/2022.
Vide GO(P) No.126/2022/Fin Dated 11/10/2022, Sanctioned Three Lakhs for the Dependent of NPS Subscribed Supernumerary Deceased Employees as emergency relief.
Deferment of Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for year 2022 further extended upto 31/12/2022 vide order GO(P) No.120/2022/Fin Dated 30/09/2022.
Vide GO(MS) No.22/2022/P&ARD Dated 26/09/2022, ordered Protection from General Transfer for Govt Employees having Disabled Employees.
KSR Amendment 2022 (Second) - Vide G.O. (P) No. 123/ 2022/ Fin Dated 07/10/2022, amended Part I of the Kerala Service Rules, in Appendix VII, under the heading “Section III – Compensation Leave,” in condition (vii), after the words “admissible to,” the words “Gazetted officers and” shall be inserted.
Vide GO(P)No.100/2022/Fin Dated 30/08/2022, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2022 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- & Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc @ 6000/- which should be recovered in five equal instalments from the salary of October 2022 onwards.
Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.101/2022/Fin Dated 30/08/2022 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Special Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2021-22.
Vide GO(P) No.97/2022/Fin Dated 26/08/2022, granted leave benefit to candidates appointed against supernumerary post under compassionate employment scheme.
KS&SSR Amendment (Third) 2022 vide order GO(P) No.10/2022/P&ARD Dated 14/08/2022, A probationer in a service in the entry cadre who does not come under the purview of sub-rule (aaaa) of rule 10 and who has not studied Malayalam as one of the languages till Standard X or as a subject at Plus-two or at Degree level shall pass within the period of
...Guideline issued vide order GO(P) No.6/2022/P&ARD Dated 21/07/2022 for the by transfer appointment from Last Grade Service to the post LD Clerk/ LD Typst.
KSR Amendment (one) 2022 vide orderGO(P) No.87/2022/Fin Dated 03/08/2022, the maximum period of leave without allowance during the entire service of an officer, to take up employment abroad or within the country and to join spouse was limited to five years w.e.f 05/11/2020.
Sanctined Special Casual Leave for 15 days in a calandar year to Part-time Contingent Employees undergoing Dialysis vide Order GO(P) No.05/2022/P&ARD Dated 09/06/2022.
Vide GO(P) No.64/2022/Fin Dated 13/06/2022, the periodical surrender of earned leave for the Financial Year 2022-23 is further extended three months from 01/07/2022 to 30/09/2022.
Pension - Average Emoluments calculation during Dies-non period - Clarification order vide GO(P) No.58/2022/Fin Dated 02/06/2022.
Deferment of Period surrender of Earned Leave exempted for office attendant and in cooks in the personal staff of Hon'ble Chief Minister, Ministers, Opposition Leader and Chief Whip vide Order GO(P) No. 53/2022/Fin Dated 20/05/2022.
Vide Order GO(P) No.54/2022/Fin Dated 20/05/2022, Clarification order issued regarding the period of Special Casual Leave under Appendix XII part I, KSR will not be reckoned as duty for the purpose of accrual of Earned Leave.
Implimentation of Rule 9D of Income Tax Rule 1962 vide Cicular No.36/2022/Fin Dated 05/05/2022. Interest on Provident fund contribution as Pay Arrears and DA Arrears credited on or after 01/01/2021 which exceeds which exceeds five lakhs will be taxable.
Guideline issued vide GO(P)No.Circular No.33/2022/Fin dated 18/04/2022 for the submission of option form to get mobility benefit to continue statuitory pension scheme.
Vide Order GO((P) No.43/2022/P&ARD Dated 06/04/2022, clarification issued on probation period of Divisional Accounts Officer.
Vide GO(P)No.17/2018/P&ARD Dated 27/12/2018, issued clarification on probation period in various posts of State Service sand Subordinate Services.
Vide GO(Rt)No.1526/2022/Fin Dated 11/04/2022, Orders issued for re-instating Biometric punching in Kerala Government Offices, Quasi Govt Offices and Public sector undertaking.
Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for the Financial Year 2022-'23, by all categories of Employees and Teachers including those on Temporary Appointment will be deferred till 30th June 2022 vide Order GO(P)No.39/2022/Fin Dated 30/03/2022.
Vide GO(P)No.10/2022/GAD Dated 28/03/2022, participation in Strike on 28/03/2022 and 29/03/2022 treated as Dies-non under rule 14A of Part I KSR. Pay withheld for participant from the salary of April 2022.
Tax Consultant unlimited Ver.8.20 (Updated for FY 2024-25 on 07/12/2024 as per 12% DA order ) - An excel programmed utility for the preparation Income Tax related forms like Annual Statement, Anticipatory Statement, Form 10E, Form16, Form 12BB, Annexure-II and Consolidated Statement for any Financial Year. Option for comparing tax in Old and New regime of Employees and Pensioners.
Deduction of Tax at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the financial year 2021.-2022 under Section 192 of the Income -Tax Act 1961 vide Circular No.21l2022/Fin.dated 17/03/2022.
Limited the number of days sanctioned as special leave for Covid 19 to Five days Vide Order GO(Rt) No.264/2022/DMD Dated 16/03/2022.
Vide order GO(P) No.31/2022/Fin Dated 15/03/2022, Covid 19 Treatment period (Maximum 7 days) of Daily wages/ Contract Employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of Medical Certificate.
The Work from Home facility sanctined to the Employees of Govt/ Private firms in connection with Covid-19 pandemic is cancelled w.e.f 16/02/2022 vide order GO(Rt) No.154/2022/DMD Dated 16/02/2022,
Vide Order GO(P) No.17/2022/Fin Dated 15/02/2022, it is clarified that the Special Casual Leave Period under Section II, Appendix VII Part I, KSR will not be reckoned as duty for the purpose of accrual of Earned Leave.
Vide G.O.(P) No.2/2022/P&ARD Dated 15/01/2022, issued Kerala State & Subordinate Service (Amendment) Rules 2022 for the amendment of Rule 13B, 27B in Part II of the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958,
Quarantine Period Special Casual leave for Primary Contact in connection with Covid 19 pandemic is cancelled w.e.f 22/01/2022 vide Order No.GO(Rt) No.70/2022/DMD Dated 22/01/2022.
Maternity leave for 180 days sanctioned to supernumerary female employees appointed under compassionate employment scheme vide order No.GO(Ms)No.1/2022/P&ARD Dated 18/01/2022.
Non deduction and short deduction of TDS on income tax by State Govt. DDO's - Direction issued vide Circular No.5/2022/Fin Dated 15/01/2022.
Special Leave for Covid-19 - Clarification order dated 30/12/2021. Leave may be combined with other regular leave including Casual Leave and Treated as duty for Probation.
Vide GO(P) No.170/2021/Fin Dated 17/12/2021, Re-option allowed for 2004 & 2009 Pay Revision for those employees who has loss in pay due to audit objections only. Re-option will be submitted within three months from the date of order.
Vide G.O.(P)No.162/2021/Fin Dated 02/12/2021,Due to the unprecedented COVID -19 pandemic and multiplenatural calamities, the Third and Fourth installments of Arrears ofPension, Family Pension, DCRG and Terminal Surrender shall be disbursed in the...
Vide GO(P) No.120/2021/Fin Dated 01/12/2021, deferment of periodical surrender of Earned Leave during the current financial year is further extended up to 31/03/2022.

KSR Amendments 2019
KSR Amendment (Twelth) 2019 vide GO(P)No.165/2019/Fin Dated 27/11/2019 - The period of interruption in the service on account of participation in strike is treated as 'Dies-Non', count for pension as qualifying service.
KSR Amendment (Eleventh) 2019 vide GO(P)No.127/2019/Fin Dated 19/09/2019 - Enhanced fee for Duplicate Pension Book to Rs.250/- w.e.f. 23/09/2016 as per Rule 134 part III, KSR
KSR Amendment (Tenth) 2019 vide GO(P)No.126/2019/Fin Dated 18/09/2019 - Extraordinary pension awarded to a Government official or his family who has been sick or injured or died while performing official duties as per the rules in Appendix - XIII under Chapter VI of Part III, Kerala Service Rules, has been withdrawn.
KSR Amendment (Nineth) 2019 vide GO(P)No.125/2019/Fin Dated 06/09/2019. Modification of Form 2 and Form II part II KSR 29/06/2015.
KSR Amendment (Eighth) 2019 Vide GO(P)No.123/2019/Fin Dated 06/09/2019. Change in Pay in the same scale of pay reckoned for calculating Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity and Family Pension
KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No.82/2019/Fin dated 09/07/2019. An employee who had committed offences while in service and against whom disciplinary action has not initiated while in service or within the time limit stipulated under clause (ii) of sub-rule (b) of rule 3 and who had received pensionery benefits on the pretext
...KSR Amendment (sixth) 2019 -Vide GO(P)No.52/2019/Fin Dated 03/05/2019, Insertion of Rule 102C - Special leave up to 90 days connected to inquiry of Sexual harassment to the aggrieved female employees w.e.f 31/08/2017.
KSR Amendment 2019 (Fifth Amendment) Vide GO(P)26/2019/Fin Dated 07/03/2019, Revison of DCRG Limit, Minimum Pension and other pensionery benefits w.e.f 01/07/2014 as per Pension Revision order GO(P) No.09/2016/Fin Dated 20/01/2016.
KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.19/2019/Fin Dated 22/02/2019, while entering the details of advice memmo and appointment order, details as to whether the appointment is in merit quota or reservation quota shall be entered in the service book.
KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.20/2019/Fin Dated 22/02/2019, the pension calculated at the time of retirement is less than fifty percent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay of the post from which they retired, fifty percent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay shall be ensured and that for retirees who are not eligible for full pension, the propotion of the full
...KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.16/2019/Fin Dated 20/02/2019, the Family Pension / Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity / Share of Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity due to the minor children of deceased Govt Employee as per the provisions of Part III KSR shall be payable to their grand parent on production of de-facto guardianship certificate issued by the District Collector /
...KSR Amendment 2019 issued Vide GO(P)No.18/2019/Fin Dated 20/02/2019, the income criteria for family pension shall not be applicable to in the case of divorced disabled daughter and widowed disabled daughter w.e.f. 26/07/2016 and also omitted the word 'unmarried' occuring in condition (1) to sub rule (7) of Rule 90 Part III KSR w.e.f. 18/04/2012.
KSR Amendments 2018
KSR Amendments 2018
KSR Amendment (Ten) 2018 vide GO(P)No.102/2018/Fin Dated 03/07/2018 - Revised compensatory allowance deputed to training outside state w.e.f 07/03/2017
KSR Amendment (Nine) 2018 vide GO(P)No.95/2018/Fin Dated 22/06/2018 - Service in the post of Temporary Munciff Magistrate reckoned for Pension as Qualifying Service w.e.f 01/01/1992
KSR Amendment (Seven) 2018 vide GO(P)No.93/2018/Fin Dated 16/06/2018 - Prior service in Public Sector Undertaking, Autonomous Bodies or similar bodies constituted under companies act shall not be reconed for Pension and DCRG.
KSR Amendment (Six) 2018 vide GO(P)No.92/2018/Fin Dated 16/06/2018 - Modified orders issued for granting pensionery benefits to children of deceases government servant/pensioner from void /voidable marriages.
KSR Amendment (Five) 2018 vide GO(P)No.91/2018/Fin Dated 14/06/2018 - Modified orders issued for disbursement of DCRG and inclusion of members to legal heirs w.e.f 01/01/2016.
KSR Amendment (Four) 2018 vide GO(P)No.90/2018/Fin Dated 14/06/2018 - The person eligible for receiving DCRG and Family Pension in the event of death of a govt. servant, is charged with the offence of murder of a govt. servant, his claim for receiving such amount shall be suspended.
KSR Amendment (Two) 2018 vide GO(P)No.15/2018/Fin Dated 06/02/2018 - Special Casual leave for Anti rabic treatment reduced for the actual days of administration of ani-rabies vaccine.