- Hits: 17085
Special Casual Leave for Part-time Contingent Employees to undergo Dialysis
- Eligible to Part-time Contingent Employees undergoing Dialysis only [GO(P) No.5/2022/P&ARD Dated 09/06/2022]
- Number of Special Casual Leave limited to 15 days in a calandar Year.
- Leave can be sanctioned on production of certificate issued by the approved Medical Officer.
- Hits: 39454
Special Leave for Covid-19 (Stopped w.e.f 18/06/2023)
- Introduced vide GO(Rt) No.1247/2020/GAD dated 20/03/2020. and stopped w.e.f 18/06/2023 vide GO(Rt) No.388/2023/GAD Dated 18/06/2023.
- Special Leave for Covid-19 is allowed for 5 days (including intervening holidays) by producing certificate obtained from Health Department or Local Body [GO(Rt) No.634/2021/DMD Dated 15/09/2021 & GO(Rt) No.264/2022/DMD Dated 16/03/2022]
- If Work from home facility available, Special leave for covid 19 not eligible. Seven days work from home sactioned in such cases. [GO(Rt) No.264/2022/DMD Dated 16/03/2022]
- Special Casual leave for Quarantine period of Primary Contact is cancelled w.e.f 22/01/2022 [GO(Rt) No.70/2022/DMD dated 22/01/2022]
- Special Casual leave sanctioned for Covid-19 is renamed as 'Special Leave for Covid-19'
- The leave will be combined with Casual Leave and/or any other kind of leave due and admissible.
- Permissible to allow Public Holidays or vacation to intervene between two kinds of leave. Public Holidays or vacation may be prefixed of suffixed to leave or both prefixed and suffixed.
- Employees on leave without allowance under X11-A, XII-B, XII-C, Part I, Kerala Service Rule will not be eligible for this leave during the currency of or in continuation of LWA under those rules.
- The period of Special Leave for Covid-19 will be treated as duty for probation as a special case.
- The leave salary will be as under Rule 92 , Part I, Kerala Service Rule.
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- Hits: 49728
Hospital Leave [Rule 103]
- Hospital leave granted to officers of the following classes while under medical treatment for illness or injury, if such illness or injury is directly due to risks incurred in the course of their official duties [Rule 103]
- Police Officers of rank not higher than that of Head Constable and Fire Service Personnel of and below the rank of Leading Fireman, including Driver, Mechanics and Fireman Drivers.
- Forest subordinates, other than clerks in receipt of pay not exceeding Rs. 39300 [w.e.f from 01/07/2019]
- Head warders or warders, male or female, of jails or lunatic asylums and Matrons of the Jails Department.
- Subordinates employed in Government Laboratories.
- Subordinates of other departments employed in the working of Government machinery.
- Last grade employees of all departments
- Guards and Preventive Officers of the Excise Department
- Government Servants who serve as Home Guard Volunteer..
- Hospital leave will be granted only on production by the employee concerned of a medical certificate from his authorised medical attendant to the effect that the leave recommended is necessary to effect a cure and a certificate from his head of office to the effect that the illness or injury was directly due to risk incurred in the course of official duties.[Note1 to Rule 103]
- Hospital leave is admissible to temporary employees [Note2 to Rule 103]
- Hospital leave may be granted for such period as the authority granting it may consider necessary [Rule 104]
- Leave salary
- (1) equal to leave salary while on earned leave, for the first 120 days of any period of such leave; and
- (2) equal to leave salary during half pay leave, for the remaining period of any such leave.
- Hospital leave is not debited against the leave account and may be combined with any other leave which may be admissible.
- A register will be maintained by all Heads of Departments and offices showing the various kinds of special leave (e.g., special disability leave, hospital leave, maternity leave, leave not due, commuted leave, paternity leave, child adoption leave etc.) granted to Government servants from time to time to facilitate the check by the local audit parties as to whether the conditions for the grant of the leave have been fulfilled in individual cases, by the authorities competent to sanction the leave.
Terminal Surrender of Earned Leave - Guidelines dated 03-05-2021
Guideline has been issued vide circular No.41/2021/Fin dated 03/05/2021,regarding sanctioning of terminal surrender while relieving from Department to join PSUs,Autonomous bodies, Company, Corporation, Universities etc and vice versa. As per the circular, Employee can surrender the balance Earned Leave at credit in prior Department/ Company/ Corpoation etc and the maximum nunber of Earned Leave that can be surrendered is limited to 150 days. The circular has retrospective effect w.e.f 01/01/2016.
- Hits: 74602
Special Casual Leave to Physically Handicapped Employees [Rule 16 & 16A, Sec II, Appendix VII]
- Disabled State Government employees, shall be eligible for special casual leave for a maximum period of 15 days at a time (including the time spent in transit both ways) to attend Artificial Limb Centre and stay in hospital for replacement/treatment of their artificial limbs. Special casual leave under this rule may be granted on more than one occasion in a calendar year, if needed.[Rule 16, Sec II,Appendix VII]
- All physically handicapped employees eligible to claim conveyance allowance shall be eligible for special casual leave for a maximum period of 15 days in a calendar year for treatment of illness connected with the physical handicap of the employee concerned in hospital or at residence on production of medical certificate to that effect from the authorised Medical Officers attending on them [Rule 16A, Sec II,Appendix VII]
- The Special Casual Leave admissible above will be exclusive of intervening holidays [Circular No.01/2016/Fin Dated 08/01/2016]
- The Special Casual Leave Period will not be reckoned as duty for the purpose of accrual of Earned Leave [ GO(P) No.17/2022/Fin Dated 15/02/2022]
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