- Hits: 83874
Leave Travel Concession (LTC)
- Leave Travel Concession Introduced to State Govt Employees vide Order No 713/2012/Fin Dated 31/12/2012.
- Applicable to State Govt Employees, staff of aided schools and aided colleges, Full time Contingent Employees, Local Bodies, etc.
- LTC not applicable to Part Time Contingent Employees, Daily Wages, Contract Employees
- Applicable to all Family Members which includes employee's wife/husband and their surviving unmarried children/step children or legally adopted children wholly dependent upon the employee and the same has to be recorded in the service book.
- LTC limited to the fare by the shortest direct route calculated on a through ticket fare, irrespective of the fact whether the journey was performed by shortest or any other route.
- Admissible only once during the entire service after the completion of 15 years of regular continous service.
- Admissible for a maximum period of 15 days including holidays.
- The period of absence on account of availing Leave Travel Concession shall be regularised by granting earned leave, half pay leave, commuted leave or leave without allowance under Rule 88, Part l, KSRs.
- LTC not admissible during Casual Leave, Special Casual leave and Maternity Leave
- Teachers of Schoots andColleges witl be allowed LTC on vacation..
- LTC shall be admissibte during leave preparatory to retirement.
- Original train tickets/bus tickets/air tickets etc shoutd be produced with the claims.
- LTC limited to a maximum 6500 KM (Combined distance of to and fro journeys to the destination)
- Maximum allowable air rate for LTC shall not exceed Rs.10000/- upto an aerial distance of 2500 KM
- Places of visit to be declared in advance.
- Incidental Expenses and DA on Hault will not be admissible. Only to and fro fare admissible.
- Advance for LTC may be sanctioned upto 90% of Estimated fare.
- LTC final bill should be preferred within one month of the completion of return journey.
- If the journey not commenced within 30 days from the drawal of advance, the entire advance should be recovered with 18% interest.
- When no advance is drawn, reimbursement of LTC claim stands forefeited, if the claim not preferred within three month of the date of completion of return journey.
- The Controlling Officers should maintain a register of LTC claims and advance registers.
- Hits: 5551

Budget 2025 - Zero Tax up to 12 Laks
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Tax Consultant Unlimited Ver 8.00 (Updated for FY 2024-25)
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Pay Fixation Consultant Ver 3.30
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KWA Salary Assistant
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