KWA Salary Assistant is an Excel Utility for the preparation of Salary Bill and connected schedules and vouchers of employees under Kerala Water Authority. This utility is developed for Kerala Water Authority Employees only. Using this utility besides Regular salary, can prepare Provisional slary and Stipend Bills. The Utility is designed for complete Financial Year and hence you have save this for each Year. With this utility you can export PA-9 and PA-30 in excel format. PA-9 is required to credit salary from Head Office and PA-30 is required to transfer the NPS amount of each employees from Head Office. Data import function helps to import data from the Previous versions of KWA Salary Assistant and also from PA-9 file. If data imported from PA-9 file, almost all data including salary details will be copied, however you have to update each employees with missing details. Fresh users should follow the following steps.{AC}
- Set your system date format to "dd-mm-yyyy"
- Download the KWA Salary Assistant from the below link.
- While opening the software, enable macros. You can enable macros under excel options menu.
- Click the Settings icon of the Salary Utility located at top right corner to popup Setting window.
- Select Salary Month and year from the setting window.
- Clik Office List Button and update all offices coming under your office
- Click CB3 Setting Button and update CB3 details as required.
- Clik other buttons in the Settings window and update, if required.
- Update Office Details by clicking office details button from the Home Page
- Click Import Data Button from Home Page, then locate the PA-9 ACBRfile, then click Import PA-9 Button. All the data of the PA-9 will be will be copied to the software.
- If "No Data Found" error occurs, update the sheet name of PA-9 file as "Foramt". No data will be copied if the sheet name differs.
- Click Employees Button, the update the missing details of all employees by clicking edit existing button.
- Click Recoveries button and update the mising details of each employees.
- Click Salary Entry Button then again click Salary Entry Button to update the salary of the selected month. Change salary month from Settings window, if required.
- Click Print Bill button for printing all Bills, Schedules and CB3 related to Regular employees. If you want single bill for Regular Salary, Provisional Salary and Stipend, you have to tick the check box located under Settings Window.
- Click Prov Bill Button for printing ACBRProvisional Salary Bill and CB3 of the selected month. This option will be disabled if you have ticked single bill option located in Setting Window.
- Click Stipendl Button for printing Stipend Bill and CB3 of the selected month. This option will be disabled if you have ticked single bill option located in Setting Window.
- Click Export PA-9 Button to export PA-9 in excel format. This exported PA-9 should be emailed to Head Office fund section for crediting salary to employees account.
- Click Export-PA30 Button to export NPS PA-30 in excel format. This exported PA-30 should be emailed to Head Office NPS section for crediting NPS deduction to employees PRAN account.
- ELS bill preparation facility will be available in the next version.
- WhatsApp your doubts and feedback to 9446254545.{/AC}