Income Tax Utility (2023-24)
Tax Consultant unlimited version 7.10 for FY 2023-24
KWA Salary Assistant
Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill and Connected documents of KWA Employees
Water Analysis Assistant Ver 4.40
Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority
Pay Fixation Consultant 2.10
Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees
Downloads: 2

Excel tool for Provident Fund Loan (Temporary Advance, NRA & NRA Conversion) application and processing. Developed by Sri.Laiju S, Accountant, Kuttoor Grama Panchayat. (Updated on 26/11/2022)

Date 20-01-2023
File Size 4.95 MB
Download 1,613

Right to Information Application Alert utility with whatsapp message option developed by by Sri.Laiju S, Accountant, Kuttoor Grama Panchayat. (Updated on 20/01/2023)

Date 20-01-2023
File Size 771.02 KB
Download 1,114