Excel utility for the fixation of Pay in revised scale and fixation of Pay for Promotions / Higher Grade on or after 01/07/2019 with Pay Revision & DA Arrear bill generation and data import function as per Eleventh Pay Revision Order. Included Fixation Statement for pasting in Service Book as per Circular No.31/2021/Fin Dated 29/03/2021.Updated with Pay Revision of Kerala Water Authority vide GO(P) No.23/2022/WRD Dated 25/10/2022 and Contingent Employees vide GO(Ms) No.89/2021/Fin Dated 12/08/2021.

Stage to Stage Fixation table for the Fixation of Pay of Govt Employees as per Eleventh Pay Revision Commission Report

Pay fixation Consultant (Ver 2.30) software for the fixation of Pay of Govt.Employees and Teachers Kerala Water Authority Staff,University Staff and IHRD Employeesin the revised scale as per the Pay Revision order vide G.O.(P) No. 7/2016/Fin Dated 20/01/2016, University Employees as per GO(P) No.10/2016/Fin dated 21/01/2016 and IHRD Employees as per Order No.EA2/1298/2016/HRD(1) Dated 31/12/2019.

Pay Fixation Consultant - User Guide: A step to step illustrated user guide to Pay Fixation Consultant software Ver 1.60

KWA Option Finder Version 1.5',it is now easy to find the best option date in all possible options for fixation of pay of KWA Employees as per GO(P)No.58/2012/Fin dated 19/1/2012 and KWA/JB/E1/1354/2012 dated 21/3/2012.

- Option for Grade or Promotion fixation (Rule 28A and 37A)
- Indian Rupee Symbol included.
- Print statement.
- Print Option form.

Fix Your Pay -The All in One Software for Pay Fixation, after rectifying the errors in the draft statement and incorporating the changes as per G. O. (P) No.143/2011/Fin. dated 30/03/2011, is released on 23-4-2011. In this version provision for taking print-outs of Option Form (both filled-in and blank) and Statement of Pay Fixation as per AG, Kerala were also provided.

(Updated on 9-4-2011) - Find best option for the fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay vide Pay revision 2009. In this version, Rule 28 (A), Rule 37 (a), Rule 30 (Promotion from an HG scale to same or higher scale), promotion to identical scale are also incorporated.