Income Tax Utility Ver 8.00 (Updated as per 23/07/2024 Budget)
Tax Consultant unlimited version 8.00 for FY 2024-25 Updated as per 2024 Budget Changes
KWA Salary Assistant
Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill and Connected documents of KWA Employees
Water Analysis Assistant Ver 4.40
Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority

Permanent Travelling Allowance [R.6 to 8, 53 & 54]

  • It is a fixed monthly allowance granted to an officer for frequent travel within his jurisdiction.
  • For the drawal of full amount of PTA, an officer should be on tour outside 8 km from his Head Quarters for 15 days in a month and should spend at 2 least 6 hours outside Head Quarters on each day [R.6 GD 1]
  • If this minimum tour is not performed, PTA will be reduced proportionately
  • Permanent Travelling Allowance cannot be drawn during leave, temporary transfer or joining time and along with any other TA [R.7]