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Travelling Allowance - General Rules

  • TA is classified as compensatory allowance and it should not be on the whole a source of profit to the receipient.[Rule 44, Part I, KSR]
  • The right of a Government servant to Travelling Allowance including daily allowance shall be forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if the claim for it is not preferred to the drawing officer or controlling officer within one year from the date on which it fell due.[Rule 5A, Part II, KSR], [Article 53 (e), KFC Vol.I]
  • As a rule, the travelling allowance claims should be preferred within a month of the due date. Controlling officers may pass for payment travelling allowance claims presented more than a month after the due date, only if there is sufficient justification for the delay. The travelling allowance drawn in advance under the rules will be held under objection pending the submission of the final travelling allowance bill.  In such  cases, if the final travelling allowance bill  is not preferred within three months of the due date, the advance drawn should be recovered in lump from the next pay bill of the officer concerned and settled finally.[Article 53 (e), KFC Vol.I]
  • Time limit for Travelling Allowance is Two years from the date when the claim due for payment [Article 56 (b)(ii), KFC Vol.I]
  • Head Quarter means the radius of 8 k.m. around the place or office in which an officer is employed
  • No TA will be admissible for the journey within the Head Qaurters except: (i) actual cost to the officers in Grade (III) or (IV) when deputed for duty or called to duty; (ii) allowance to teaching staff of Training Centres when deputed for practice teaching.(iii) actual fare subject to a maximum of Rs.10 to last grade employees attending treasury duty since 23-09-2002, and (iv) conveyance allowance to attend Annual Firing course and NCC camp. (R.64, 5,9 P II KSRs, GO (p) 567/02/Fin dated 23/09/2002 & notes 2&3 to R 57 PII).
  • Travelling Allowance is eligible for the journey for appearing obligatory departmental examination, provided that Travelling Allowance shall not be drawn more than twice for any particular examination [Rule 77, Part II, KSR].

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