Revision of Pay and Allowances of employees of Kerala Water Authority – Recommendations of the 11th Pay Revision Commission implemented – orders issued. vide GO(P) No.23/2022/WRD Dated 25/10/2022.

Highlight of Pay Revision Commission report Part VII - recommendation on Administrative Efficiency, Social Accountability, People Friendliness and Gender Sensitivity

PRC Report Part-VII : Final Report of Eleventh Pay Revision Commission on Administrative Efficiency, Social Accountability, People Friendliness and Gender Sensitivity

The Pay & Allowances of Contingent Employees of Kerala Municipality/ Corporation has been revised w.e.f 01/07/2019 vide Order GO(MS) No.89/2021/Fin Dated 12/08/2021

Report of the Eleventh Pay Revision Commission, Kerala for Revising Pay and Allowances and Pension of the Employees of Kerala Water Authority w.e.f 01/07/2019 -Part IV.

Revision of Pay & Allowances of University Emplyees of the State w.e.f. 01/07/2019 - Implementation of the Recommendation of the XI Pay Revision Commission vide Order G.O.(P) No.42/2021/Fin Dated 26/02/2021.

Revision of Pay & Allowances and allied matters of State Government Emplyees and Teachers w.e.f. 01/07/2019 - Implementation of the Recommendation of the XI Pay Revision Commission vide Order G.O.(P) No.27/2021/Fin Dated 10/02/2021.

Revision of Pay and Allowances of Employees of Kerala Water Authority w.e.f. 01/03/1997 vide GO(P)No.54/99/IrD Dated 19/08/1999

Vide GO(Ms)No.54/2020/Fin Dated 07/05/2020, the tenure of Eleventh Pay Revision Commission for revision of pay and allowances of Govemment employees, staff of educatioflal institutions, local bodies etc has been extended up to 31/12/2020.

Eighth Pay Revision Order of Kerala Govt. Employees and Teachers vide G.O. (P) No.145/2006/Fin. Dated 25/03/2006

Tenth Pay Revision Order of Kerala Govt. Employees and Teachers vide G.O. (P) No.7/2016/Fin. Dated 20/01/2016

Vide GO(Ms) No.425/2019/Fin dated 12/11/2019, Govt have entrusted the Pay Commision constituted for Kerala Govt Employees & Teachers to examine and make recomendations on revision of pay and allowances and other benefits of High Court employees.

Pay Revision Commission constituted vide Order No.GO(MS)414/Fin Dated 06/11/2019 to study and make recommendations on revising the pay and allowances and other benefits of the State Government employees including teaching and non-teaching staff of Aided educational institutions, local bodies, etc. The Commission sha1l submit its report within a period of six months.

Vide GO(P)No.129/2019/Fin Dated 23/09/2019 Govt has issued order for allowing re-option for Time Bound Higher Grade for those who has audit objection for 2004 and 2009 pay revision option.

Kerala Water Authority Pay Revision Order 2009 - Clarification order vide order GO(MS) No.707/2012/Fin Dated 27/12/2012.

Revision of Pay and Allovances of Kerala Govt. Employees and Teachers vide G.O (P) No.85/2011/Fin dated 26/02/2011 and the erratum issued vide G.O (P) No.143/2011/Fin dated 30/03/2011