Disbursement of Pensionary Benefits without delay to Employees Retired from Service - Orders Issued vide GO(P)No.46/2023/FIN Dated 08/05/2023

Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of High Court Pensioners consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission vide Order GO(P) No.120/2021/Fin Dated 24/08/2021

Vide Circular No.57/2021/Fin Dated 19/07/2021, Guidelines issued for online submission of the Pension Revision consent form and disbursement of Pension Revision Arrears.

Revision of Pension and other related benefits in respect of University Employees consequent on revision of pay scales from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission - Orders Issued vide GO(P) No.87/2021/Din Dated 24/06/2021.

Vide Circular No.27/2021/Fin Dated 19/03/2021, guideline issued for the implementation of Eleventh Pension revision order for State Service / Ex-gratia / Part time contingent Pensioners.

Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01/07/2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission - Orders Issued vide GO(P) No.30/2021/Din Dated 12/02/2021.

Revision of Pension and Family Pension to those coming under UGC Scheme w.e.f 01/01/2016 vide order GO(P) No.151/2020/Fin Dated 05/11/2020.

Pensioner Information System (PRISM) - Submission of Pension Application and Service Book - Circular No.55/2020/Fin dated 25-09-2020

Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 1.7.2014 in accordance with the recommendation of the 10th Pay Revision Commission - Orders Issued vide GO(P)No.9/2016/Fin Dated 20/01/2016.

Circular No.46/2020/Fin Dated 20/08/2020 on UGC Pension Revision undertaken without orders based on the Pay Revision order No.GO(P)No.18/2019/HEDN Dated 29/06/2019.

Implementation of NPS to Employees of Kerala, joining service w.e.f 01/04/2013, vide order GO(P)No.20/2013/Fin Dated 07/01/2013.

Kerala Govt Contributory Pension Review Committee has issued a questionnaire for seeking openion from Govt Employees, Public and Service organisations

1-11-2019 തിയ്യതിയിലെ സ.ഉ.(പി) നം 147/2019/ധന ഉത്തരവ് പ്രകാരം പങ്കാളിത്ത പെന്ഷന് പദ്ധതി പുനഃപരിശോധനാ സമിതിയുടെ പ്രവര്ത്തന കാലയളവ് ആറു മാസം ദീര്ഘിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് ഉത്തരവായി

Vide Circular No.80/2019/Fin Dated 24/09/2019, diection issued that Non Liability Certificate for Clergies and Monastic Employees may be issued on Production of willingness certificate in the given format on a stamp paper worth Rs.200/-

Vide GO(P)No.132/2019/Fin Dated 30/09/2019, Govt have issued orders that NPS subscription is mandatory for all employees who is regularised on or after 01-04-2013. Those who is not yet subscribed NPS, will take membership before 20th November 2019.

Based on Supreme Court Judgement on SLP(C)No.27604/2017 dated 26/11/2018, Govt vide GO(P)102/2019/Fin Dated 14/08/2019 have issed orders for recalculation of service by counting leap year day on February 29. Retired Employees (Pensioners) should apply for service re-calculation to the pension sanctioning authority through last working office within three months from the date of this order. The monetary benefit will be paid w.e.f 26/11/2018 only.

Revision of Pension and other related benefit in respect of Employees consequent of revision of Pay Scale w.e.f 01/07/2014 vide order GO(P) No.87/2011/Fin Dated 28/02/2011.

Revision of Pension and other related benefit in respect of University Employees consequent of revision of Pay Scale w.e.f 01/07/2014 vide order GO(P) No.345/2011/Fin Dated 12/08/2011.