Forms of Annual movable or immovable property statement for the year 2020 - All employees except Part-time contingent servants are required to submit the statement before the 15th January of every suceeding year vide Rule 37 and Amendment rule 2010 of Kerala Govt Servants' Conduct Rules 1960.

Form of Application for getting New Water Connection from Kerala Water Authority under Jal Jeevan Mission

Form of option to continue statutory pension vide GO(P)No.209/2013/Fin dated 07/05/2013

Application for Allotment of Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) vide Vide GO(P) No.149/2013lFin dated 03.04.2013

Form of undertaking vide GO(P)No.169/2019/Fin dated 13/12/2019. All Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees including those on deputation should furnish the undertaking in duplicate with countersignature of Drawing and Disbursing officer /Head of office

Forms of Annual movable or immovable property statement for the year 2019 - All employees except Part-time contingent servants are required to submit the statement before the 15th January of every suceeding year vide Rule 37 and Amendment rule 2010 of Kerala Govt Servants' Conduct Rules 1960.

Joining proforma for Police verification (See note (2) under rules 10(b) iii of Kerala State & Subordinate Service Rules 1958