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Vide GO(P)No.77/2024/Fin Dated 06/09/2024, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2024 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- &  Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc  @ 6000/- which should recovered in five eaqual installements from the salary of October 2024.

Date 07-09-2024
File Size 3.43 MB
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Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.78/2024/Fin Dated 06/09/2024 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Special Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2023-24

Date 07-09-2024
File Size 2.79 MB
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Circular No.47/2024/Fin Dated 02/08/2024 regarding filing of nomination and renewal of invalid nominations in General Provident Fund Scheme.

Date 05-08-2024
File Size 174.33 KB
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Vide GO(P) No.23/2024/Fin Dated 16/03/2024, Orders issued to credit the Earned Leave Surrender for the year 2024-25 in the Provident Fund w.e.f 01/04/2024 and this cannot be permitted to withdrawn till 31/03/2028. Those employees including provisional hands who do not have Provident fund,Last Grade Employees & Part-time contingent employees will be paid in cash w.e.f 01/04/2024.

Date 20-03-2024
File Size 2.07 MB
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Vide GO(P) No.112/2023/Fin Dated 18/11/2023, orders has been issued for the renewal of Jeevan Raksha Scheme (Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme - GPAIS) for the year 2024.  Premium amount is 1000/- and sum insured is Fifteen Lakhs. Premium may be deducted from November month salary and should be remitted before 31/12/2023.

Date 20-11-2023
File Size 1.58 MB
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Vide GO(P)No.86/2023/Fin Dated 16/08/2023, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2023 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- &  Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc  @ 6000/- which should recovered in five eaqual installements from the salary of October 2023.

Date 17-08-2023
File Size 2.92 MB
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Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.85/2023/Fin Dated 16/08/2023 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Special Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2022-23

Date 17-08-2023
File Size 2.24 MB
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Vide Circular No.58/2023/Fin Dated 17/06/2023, issued direction regarding the Aided School/ College services for calculation of Pension qualifying service. Only full time regular service will be reckoned for pension w.e.f 10/08/2018.

Date 02-07-2023
File Size 1.78 MB
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Vide GO(P) No.66/2023/Fin Dated 30/06/2023, Orders issued to credit the Earned Leave Surrender for the year 2023-24 in the Provident Fund w.e.f 01/07/2023 and this cannot be permitted to withdrawn till 30/06/2027. Those employees including provisional hands who do not have Provident fund, will be paid in cash w.e.f 01/07/2023.

Date 02-07-2023
File Size 115.65 KB
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Vide GO(P) No.33/2023/Fin Dated 31/03/2023, the Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for the Financial Year 2023-'24, by all Categories of  Employees and Teachers including those on temporary appointments will be deferred till 30th of June 2023. This order will not be applicable to Last Grade Servants and Part-time Contingent Employees.

Date 04-04-2023
File Size 135.73 KB
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Vide GO(Ms) No.7/2023/P&ARD Dated 29/03/2023, Free chance for Compulsory Departmental Test is extended to the Employees of Public Sector Undertakings.

Date 04-04-2023
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Group Peraonal Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) Revised insurance amount, Premium & Renamed as Jeevan Raksha Scheme w.e.f 01/04/2023 vide GO(P) No.17/2023/Fin Dated 22/02/2023.

Date 23-02-2023
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Reckoning of Commutation Factor of Pensioners whose date of birth falls on 1st day of month - Modification to Note below rule 6 of Pension (Commutation) rules, Part A, Appendix-10, Part-III, KSR.

Date 22-11-2022
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Vide GO(P) No.140/2022/Fin Dated 21/11/2022, orders has been issued for the renewal of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) for the year 2023. No changes in the premium amount and sum insured.

Date 22-11-2022
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Vide GO(P) No.126/2022/Fin Dated 11/10/2022, Sanctioned Three Lakhs for the Dependent of NPS Subscribed Supernumerary Deceased Employees as emergency relief.

Date 24-10-2022
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Vide GO(MS)  No.22/2022/P&ARD Dated 26/09/2022, ordered Protection from General Transfer for Govt Employees having Disabled Employees.

Date 15-10-2022
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Deferment of Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for year 2022 further extended upto 31/12/2022 vide order GO(P) No.120/2022/Fin Dated 30/09/2022.

Date 15-10-2022
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Vide GO(P)No.100/2022/Fin Dated 30/08/2022, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2022 for Govt Employees @ 20,000/- &  Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc  @ 6000/- which should be recovered in five equal instalments from the salary of October 2022 onwards.

Date 30-08-2022
File Size 599.87 KB
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Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.101/2022/Fin Dated 30/08/2022 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Special Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2021-22.

Date 30-08-2022
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KS&SSR Amendment (Third) 2022 vide order GO(P) No.10/2022/P&ARD Dated 14/08/2022,  A probationer in a service in the entry cadre who does not come under the purview of sub-rule (aaaa) of rule 10 and who has not studied Malayalam as one of the languages till Standard X or as a subject at Plus-two or at Degree level shall pass within the period of probation, a language test in Malayalam with not less than 40% marks conducted by the Kerala Public Service Commission which shall be equivalent to Senior Higher Diploma test of the Malayalam Mission

Date 30-08-2022
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Guideline issued vide order GO(P) No.6/2022/P&ARD Dated 21/07/2022 for the by transfer appointment from Last Grade Service to the post LD Clerk/ LD Typst.

Date 30-08-2022
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Vide GO(P) No.64/2022/Fin Dated 13/06/2022, the periodical surrender of earned leave for the Financial Year  2022-23 is further extended three months from 01/07/2022 to 30/09/2022.

Date 15-06-2022
File Size 1.84 MB
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Vide GO(Ms) No.31/2022/WRD Dated 12/05/2022, Order issued that the Managing Director, Kerala Water Authority should submit proposal to geovernment for the appointment, promotion, transfer & posting of in respect of all official of and above the rank of Superintending Engineer in Technical wing and Finance Manager and Chief Accounts Officer in Ministerial Wing.

Date 29-05-2022
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Vide GO(P) No.3/2017/P&ARD dated 25/02/2017, issued revised norms and directions for General Transfer of Kerala Govt Employees.

Date 29-05-2022
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Deferment of Period surrender of Earned Leave exempted for office attendant and in cooks in the personal staff of Hon'ble Chief Minister, Ministers, Opposition Leader and Chief Whip vide Order GO(P) No. 53/2022/Fin Dated 20/05/2022.

Date 23-05-2022
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Guideline issued vide GO(P)No.Circular No.33/2022/Fin dated 18/04/2022 for the submission of option form to get mobility benefit to continue statuitory pension scheme.

Date 21-04-2022
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Vide Order GO((P) No.43/2022/P&ARD Dated 06/04/2022, clarification issued on probation period of Divisional Accounts Officer.

Date 21-04-2022
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Vide GO(P)No.17/2018/P&ARD Dated 27/12/2018, issued clarification on probation period in various posts of State Service sand Subordinate Services.

Date 21-04-2022
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Vide GO(Rt)No.1526/2022/Fin Dated 11/04/2022, Orders issued for re-instating Biometric punching in Kerala Government Offices, Quasi Govt Offices and Public sector undertaking.

Date 12-04-2022
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Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave for the Financial Year 2022-'23, by all categories of Employees and Teachers including those on Temporary Appointment will be deferred till 30th June 2022 vide Order GO(P)No.39/2022/Fin Dated 30/03/2022.

Date 30-03-2022
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Vide order  GO(P) No.31/2022/Fin Dated 15/03/2022, Covid 19 Treatment period (Maximum 7 days) of Daily wages/ Contract Employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of Medical Certificate.

Date 17-03-2022
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The Work from Home facility sanctined to the Employees of Govt/ Private firms in connection with Covid-19 pandemic is cancelled w.e.f 16/02/2022 vide order GO(Rt) No.154/2022/DMD Dated 16/02/2022, 

Date 16-02-2022
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Quarantine Period Special Casual leave for Primary Contact in connection with Covid 19 pandemic is cancelled w.e.f 22/01/2022 vide Order No.GO(Rt) No.70/2022/DMD Dated 22/01/2022.

Date 22-01-2022
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Vide GO(P) No.170/2021/Fin Dated 17/12/2021, Re-option allowed for 2004 & 2009 Pay Revision for those employees who has loss in pay due to audit objections only. Re-option will be submitted within three months from the date of order.

Date 19-12-2021
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Vide GO(P) No.120/2021/Fin Dated 01/12/2021, deferment of periodical surrender of Earned Leave during the current financial year is further extended up to 31/03/2022.

Date 01-12-2021
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Vide GO(P) No.159/2021/Fin Dated30/11/2021, State Life Insurance premium revised w.e.f 01/02/2022.

Date 30-11-2021
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Vide GO(P) No.156/2021/Fin Dated 26/11/2021, Group Insuarance Scheme premium revised the scale of pay of different groups corresponding to eleventh pay revision and minimum and maximum rate.

Date 30-11-2021
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Vide GO(P) No.153/2021/Fin Dated 23/11/2021, orders has been issued for the renewal of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) for the year 2022. No changes in the premium amount and sum insured.

Date 23-11-2021
File Size 284.45 KB
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Kerala Right to Information (Regulation of Fee & Cost) Amendment Rules 2021 vide GO(P) No.30/2021/GAD Dated 28/10/2021. Enhanced fee for providing information in A4 size paper to Rs.3/- page and CD or any Electronic Media to Rs.75/-

Date 01-11-2021
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Vide GO(Rt) No.155/2021/P&ARD Dated 21/10/2021, strict directions issued to all departments for processing General Transfer of Employees through online mode only.

Date 23-10-2021
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Public Holidays to the Public Offices under the Government of Kerala during the Calendar year 2022 has been declared vide notification G.O.(P) No.29/2021/GAD dated 21/10/2021.

Date 23-10-2021
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Disaster Management Department - revoking work from home w.e.f 05/08/2021 during covid 19 pandemic - Orders issued vide GO(Rt)No.683/2021/DMD Dated 13/10/2021.

Date 16-10-2021
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Clarification issued vide GO(P)No.8/2021/P&ARD Dated 28/09/2021 regarding the limitation of By Transfer appointment of Last Grade Servants to 10% cadre strenth of Lower Division Clerk/ Lower Division Typist.

Date 08-10-2021
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Additional guidelines issued vide Circular No.83/2021/Fin Dated 23/09/2021 regarding the recovery of NPS from the deferred salary of Govt employees.

Date 27-09-2021
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Vide GO(P)No.126/2021/Fin Dated 12/09/2021, sanctioned conveyance allowance to supernumerary physically handicapped employees w.e.f 12/09/2021.

Date 17-09-2021
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Punching re-instated w.e.f 16/09/2021 in Kerala Govt Offices/ Quasi Govt Offices/ Public Sector Undetakings vide order No.GO(Rt)3426/2021/GAD Dated 14/09/2021.

Date 14-09-2021
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Disaster Management Department - Relaxations to the restrictions imposedDisaster Management Department - Relaxations to the restrictions imposedin the State due to COVID-19 pandemic - Saturdays as working days -orders issued.vide G.O.(Rt)No.619/2021/DMD Dated 14/09/2021.

Date 14-09-2021
File Size 195.88 KB
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General Administration (Confidential Report Cell) Department - Order has been issued for online submission of confidential report  (SCORE) w.e.f 01/09/2021 vide order GO(Rt) No.3113/2021/GAD Dated 18/08/2021.

Date 24-08-2021
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Adopted eService Book to all Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees of State Government with effect from 17/08/2021 vide order GO(P)No.118/2021/Fin Dated 17/08/2021.

Date 24-08-2021
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Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Redistribution of excess post in various Govt department - entrusted to 16 groups for study and report vide Order No GO(Rt)115/2021/P&ARD Dated 17/08/2021.

Date 24-08-2021
File Size 182.65 KB
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Vide GO(P)No.119/2021/Fin Dated 17/08/2021, sanctioned Special festival allowance @ 2750/- for the employees of Public Sector Undertakings.

Date 18-08-2021
File Size 3.29 MB
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Vide GO(P)No.116/2021/Fin Dated 13/08/2021, Sanctioned Onam Advance 2021 for Govt Employees, Part-time Contingent Employees, NMR/CLR employees etc  ..

Date 13-08-2021
File Size 3.57 MB
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Order has been issued vide GO(P)No.115/2021/Fin Dated 13-08-2021 sanctioning Bonus Rs.4000/- and Fesival Allowance Rs.2750/- to State Govt. Employees and Pensioners for the year 2020-21

Date 13-08-2021
File Size 2.42 MB
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Electronics & Information Technology Department – Procurement of Laptops byElectronics & Information Technology Department – Procurement of Laptops by Departments instead of Desktop for the implementation of e-Governance – Sanctionaccorded – Orders issued vide G.O.(Rt)No.99/2021/ITD Dated 23/07/2021.Files Data

Date 30-07-2021
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Vide GO(P) No.104/2021/Fin Dated 26/07/2021, the Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave deferred for a further period of six months w.e.f 01/06/2021. Last Grade Employees and Part Time Contingent Employees are exempted from this order.

Date 26-07-2021
File Size 441.39 KB
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Government orders reckoning CLR/SLR Service of Employees of Irrigation Department and Kerala Water Authority prior to their absorption into regular service for Time Bound Higher Grade is cancelled vide GO(P)No.10/2021/WRD Dated 31/03/2021.

Date 16-07-2021
File Size 277.73 KB
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Special Care Allowance to Pensioners - Guidelines issued regarding age proof for sanctioning Special Care Allowance of Rs.1000/- per month to pensioners of 80 years and above vide Circular No.50/2021/Fin Dated 02/07/2021.

Date 10-07-2021
File Size 4.09 MB
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Central Board of Direct Taxes vide Circular No.12/2021 Dated 25/06/2021, in view of severe covid 19 pandemic, extended the due date of various income tax related returns and filings. Due date for TDS Return 4th Quarter for FY 2020-21 is extended to 15/07/2021

Date 25-06-2021
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Vide GO(Ms) No.16/2021/P&ARD Dated 22/06/2021, direction issed for the PSC verification of employees , who expired before the verification of the appointment.

Date 24-06-2021
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The Kerala Service Rule 90A, 93 and 103 of Part I and Appendix VII of the Service Rules - Monetary limit revised vide GO(P)No.79/2021/Fin Dated 01/06/2021. 

Date 10-06-2021
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Health and Family Welfare Department -Modified order by adding 11 more categories in addition to the 32 categories in  Prioritization for Vaccination for Front Line Workers in the age group of 18-45  years  vide GO(Rt) No.1114/2021/H&FWD Dated 24/05/2021.

Date 27-05-2021
File Size 267.62 KB
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Health and Family Welfare Department - Prioritization for Vaccination for Front Line Workers in the age group of 18-45  years - order  issued vide GO(Rt) No.1102/2021/H&FWD Dated 19/05/2021.

Date 23-05-2021
File Size 301.86 KB
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Disaster Management Department - Covid 19 - Exemption from duty to blind and other disabled employees-exemption granted-orders issued vide GO(Rt)No.394/2021/DMD Dated 03/05/2021.

Date 04-05-2021
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Disaster Management Department– Surge in COVID 19 cases – Containment - Additional restrictions on staff who shall attend office - issued vide order No.GO(Rt) No.397/2021/DMD Dated 03/05/2021.

Date 03-05-2021
File Size 325.07 KB
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Guideline has been issued vide circular No.41/2021/Fin dated 03/05/2021,regarding sanctioning of terminal surrender while relieving from Department to join PSUs,Autonomous bodies, Company, Corporation, Universities etc and vice versa.

Date 03-05-2021
File Size 2.09 MB
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Disater Management Department - Covid 19 -surge in positive cases - Restrictions for the effective containment - further order issued vide GO(Rt) No.391/2021/DMD Dated 30/04/2021.

Date 03-05-2021
File Size 728.35 KB
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Disaster Management Department - Covid 19 - Surge in positive cases - Restrictions for the effective containment of Covid 19 - orders issued vide G.O.(Rt)No.378/2021/DMD dated 21/04/2021.

Date 23-04-2021
File Size 222.29 KB
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General Administration- Election to Kerala Legislative Assembly 2021 and Bye Election in Malappuram Parliamentary Constituency - Day of Poll - Declaration of public holiday on 6th April, 2021 to the institutions comes under the Negotiable Instruments Act - Orders issued vide GO(Ms)No.88/2021/GAD Dated 31/03/2021.

Date 05-04-2021
File Size 175.28 KB
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Direction regarding Pay Revision Fixation in the case of Non Gazetted and Gazetted Officers - Further instructions to be followed - issued vide circular No.31/2021/Fin Dated 29/03/2021.

Date 29-03-2021
File Size 711.31 KB
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Vide Order No.19/2020/Fin Dated 27/02/2020, order has been issued for the recovery of NPS amount in Arrears on account Pay Revision and enhancement of Dearness Allowances.

Date 15-03-2021
File Size 2.33 MB
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Circular vide No.23/2021/Fin Dated 05/03/2021, Guideline issued to the use of SPARK application for the pay revision fixation of Non Gazetted Officers.

Date 11-03-2021
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Guidelines issued vide Circular No.20/2021/Fin Dated 04/03/2021, for the transfer of amount of deferred salary deposited in the Treasury Saving account by the Public Sector Undertakings, quasi Govt, Universities etc.

Date 05-03-2021
File Size 1.28 MB
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Vide GO(P) No.43/2021/Fin Dated 26/02/2021, deferred portion of pay and allowances of Govt Employees and Teachers would be repaid in five equal monthly instalments in cash from the salary of April 2021 onwards.

Date 28-02-2021
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Vide GO(P)No.9/2021/Fin Dated 13/01/2021, Guideline issued to DDO's while issuing of Salary Certificate and Non Liability Certificate.

Date 10-02-2021
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Vide GO(P)No.12/2021/Fin Dated 22/01/2021, extended the time limit as 30/06/2021 for merging the Dearness Allowance Arrear from 01/01/2005 to 01/01/2017 to Provident Fund.
Date 25-01-2021
File Size 1.86 MB
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Vide Order GO(Ms)No.16/2021/GAD Dated 13/01/2021, all saturedays except those declared as holidays, will be working days w.e.f 16/01/2021 to all  Offices of Govt /PSU/ Quasi Govt/ Autonomous Body.

Date 13-01-2021
File Size 487.69 KB
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Vide GO(P) No.168/2020/Fin Dated 31/12/2020, extended paperless bill system for salary bills  for 41 more Departments in addition to 65 Departments.

Date 01-01-2021
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Vide G)(P)No.163/2020/Fin Dated 22/12/2020, Guideline has been issued for Authorizing HMs of Aided Primary, UPS, High School and Principals of Aided Higher Secondary School/ Vocational Higher Secondary School and Aided Colleges under Collegiate Education and Technical Education to draw monthly salary bills without counter signature.

Date 28-12-2020
File Size 2.43 MB
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Deduction of Tax at Source - Income tax deduction from salaries during the financial year 2020-21 under section 192 of the Income Tax Act 1961.- Circular issued vide 79/2020/Fin Dated 11/12/2020.

Date 11-12-2020
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Vide Circular No.77/2020/Fin Dated 01/12/2020, direction has been issued  for the online submission of Landed Property Statement in Finance Department.

Date 07-12-2020
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Vide GO(P) No.150/2020/Fin Dated 05/11/2020, orders has been issued for the renewal of Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) for the year 2021.

Date 13-11-2020
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Interest rate on deposits in General Provident Fund (GPF) Kerala for the period from 01/10/2020 to 31/12/2020 has been fixed @7.1% vide order .GO(P) No.154/2020/Fin Dated 07/11/2020.

Date 10-11-2020
File Size 150.2 KB
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Vide GO(P) No.152/2020/Fin dated 05/11/2020, Govt have issued recommendation for expediture control for attaining Financial Consolidation in view of Covid-19 pandemic.

Date 07-11-2020
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Instructions issued for strict compilance vide Circular No.66/2020/Fin Dated 04/11/2020, for the simultaneous entry in Service Book and data updation in SPARK

Date 05-11-2020
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Kerala Government issued instructions for the Re-appointment vide circular No.64/2020/Fin Dated 30/10/2020.

Date 05-11-2020
File Size 197.57 KB
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Kerala State Election Commission - Ban on Transfer of Officers and Staff as may be necessary for the discharge of functions conferred on State Election Commission under Article 243 K (1) 243ZA(1) - vide order No.B1-33870-2020-SEC Dated 02/11/2020.

Date 03-11-2020
File Size 339.19 KB
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Extension of Joining Time for the appointments through Kerala Public Service Commission vide Order GO(P)No.15/2020/P&ARD Dated 28/10/2020.

Date 02-11-2020
File Size 5.17 MB
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Orders issued vide GO(P)No.140/2020/Fin Dated 25/10/2020, the deffered salary of Govt Employees from April 2020 to August 2020 would be merged in Provident Fund on 01/04/2020 or paid cash for those do not have PF as monthly instalment from 01/06/2021 onwards.

Date 27-10-2020
File Size 160.22 KB
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E-governance - Vehicle management System (VEELS) - Further directions issued for entering vehicle related details vide Circular No.59/2020/Fin Dated 22/10/2020.

Date 22-10-2020
File Size 1.47 MB
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Interest rate on deposits in General Provident Fund (GPF) Kerala for the period from 01/07/2020 to 30/09/2020 has been fixed @7.1% vide order .GO(P) No.132/2020/Fin Dated 09/10/2020.
Date 14-10-2020
File Size 457.88 KB
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Vide Circular No.56/2020/Din Dated 06/10/2020, guideline issued regarding Temporary employee registration in SPARK.

Date 12-10-2020
File Size 1.51 MB
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Vide GO(Ms) No.105/2020/Fin Dated 08/10/2020, added Retired Employees of Contributory Pension scheme in Para 10 (1) of GO(P) No.107/2020/Fin Dated 15/08/2020.

Date 11-10-2020
File Size 2.04 MB
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Vide GO(P) No.408/2015/Fin Dated 14/09/2015, orders issued for counting War/Miliotary Service as Qualifying service for Sanctioning First Time Bound Higher Grade.

Date 18-09-2020
Language  English
File Size 81.47 KB
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Vide Circular No.45/2020/Fin Dated 19/08/2020, guideline issued for the refund of amount deposited in PRAN Account of Employees excluded from Contributory Pension Scheme.

Date 24-08-2020
File Size 2.25 MB
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Vide GO(P)No.112/2020 Dated 19/08/2020, in connection with Onam, sanctioned advance payment of Salary of Daily wages and Contract Employees for the August 2020

Date 19-08-2020
File Size 123.67 KB
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Vide GO(P)No.111/2020/Fin Dated 19/08/2020, sanctioned Special festival allowance @ 2750/- for the employees of Public Sector Undertakings.

Date 19-08-2020
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Vide GO(P)No.109/2020/Fin Dated 17/08/2020, orders has been issued for the advance disbursement of Salary and Pension in connection with Onam 2020 for Govt Employees and Pensioners.

Date 19-08-2020
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Vide GO(P) No.110/2020/Fin Dated 17/08/2020, permitted the DDO of all Departments (including aided Institutions) to follow the adhoc arrangement of paperless bill system for the bills for Salary of 08/2020, Festival Advance, Festival Allowance and Bonus Claims.

Date 18-08-2020
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Vide GO(P) No.106/2020/Fin Dated 15/08/2020, extended paperless bill system for salary bills  for 40 more Departments in addition to 17 Departments

Date 18-08-2020
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Vide GO(P) No.96/2020/Fin Dated 23/07/2020, extended paperless bill system for salary bills  for 15 Departments in addition to Finance and Treasury Department.

Date 18-08-2020
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