Newly developed excel utility for Kerala Water Authority Cash Book entry and generation of CB28 & CB27 (Updated on 09/12/2024) New added features includes
- Account Code replacement
- Single click generation of CB28 Receipt, CB28 Payment and CB27
- One file required for the coming 12 Years
- Rows extended to 1000
- Report automatically saved to monthly folders.
- Added more account codes and bug fixed

Excel worksheet for the re-calculation of interest in 2% simple interest as per Circular No. 21097/AO(RMC)/2021/KWA Dated, 18.11.2021 & 01.02.2022 of the AM, KWA (Un-Official)

An excel utility for accounting and Printing CB27 and CB28 in Kerala Water Authority with more rows (450 Rows)

An excel utility for Registering, processing and monitoring of Consumer Complaints in Kerala Water Authority - Sub Division Level. Updated on 10/08/2024 with revised Leak benefit rate, extended OTS Calculation Period, Customizable Leak Benefit, Amnesty Leak Calculation, Ready Reckoner Generate facility and tariff revision.

Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill, Connected Scedules and CB3 of Kerala Water Authority Employees with option to export PA9 and PA30

An excel utility for accounting and Printing CB27 and CB28 in Kerala Water Authority

Excel utility used for water analysis in Kerala Water Authority Quality Control Laboratories. The updated version 5.00 has newly added function of Save result as PDF and Data Import funtions. Default password for all user is 123