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Kerala Water Authority - Circular has been issued vide No. KWA/JB/5869/2023 R1(RMC) dated 19/12/2024 regarding the renewal and receipt of Application for Water Charge concession for BPL consumers for the Year 2025. To avail the BPL concession, consumer has to submitt online application through  along with copy of Ration Card and Adhar Card on or before 31/01/2025

Date 20-12-2024
File Size 3.48 MB
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Vide GO(Ms) No.39/2022/WRD dated 16/06/2022, increased casual connection deposit  @ 105/square meter limited to maximum of Three lakhs.

Date 11-12-2024
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Vide order No. I/28332/2023 dated 26/08/2023 of the Managing Director, Kerala Water Authority has issued order for Kudumbasree Meter Reading wages in Same Reading, Not Clear and Faulty status

Date 26-11-2024
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Vide order No. KWA-JB/3886/2023-R1(RMC) dated 01/08/2024 of the Managing Director of Kerala Water Authority, revised existing hidden leakage benefit above 50Kl for Domenstic consumer as 50% of water tariff and revised OTS waiving power of various officers.

Date 05-08-2024
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Kerala Water Authority - Enhancement of Special Allowance to Deployed Meter Reader to Rs.300/- w.e.f 01/11/2009 vide order No.KWA/JB/E1/6612/2003 Dated 02/12/2009.

Date 16-08-2023
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Kerala Water Authority - Vide order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R1/950/2020 dated 04/08/2023, revised meter reading target to 720 in Rural Area and 960 in Urban Area.

Date 16-08-2023
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Kerala Water Authority - Amending the Kerala Water Authority (Sewerage Connection) Regulations, 2000 - permission accorded - orders issued vide GO(P) No.28/2022/WRD Dated 21/11/2022.

Date 19-02-2023
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Kerala Water Authority - Water tariff revision w.e.f 03/02/2022 @ 1 paisa/ Litter vide GO(Ms) No.11/2023/WRD dated 03/02/2023 - Revised tariff chart for Domestic, Non-Domestic, Industrial, Sewerage Charge, Public Tap, Bulk Water Supply and Bulk Water Supply.

Date 13-02-2023
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Kerala Water Authority - Limited cash couter for domestic water charges upto  Rs.500/-  vide order No.GO(Ms) No.7/2023/WRD dated 25/01/2023.

Date 13-02-2023
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Kerala Water Authority - Limited cash couter for domestic water charges upto  Rs.500/- Cancelled order vide No.GO(Rt) No.155/2023/WRD dated 08/02/2023.

Date 13-02-2023
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Kerala Water Authority - Circular has been issued vide No. KWA/HO/RMC/R2/1044/2020 dated 23/12/2022 regarding the renewal and receipt of Application for Water Charge concession for BPL consumers for the Year 2023. To avail the BPL concession, consumer has to submitt application along with copy of Ration Card and Adhar Card on or before 31/03/2022.

Date 28-12-2022
File Size 66.66 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Implementation of Mobile Meter Reading App and self reading app state wide w.e.f 01/11/2022 vide order No.19141/AE1(OPERATIONS)/2021/KWA Dated 21/10/2022.

Date 24-10-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Reduction of due date for Water Bill payment to 15 days and introduction of 12 & 18 percentage of fine for Domestic Consumer for delayed payment vide Order No.GO(Ms) No.56/2022/WRD Dated 11/10/2022.

Date 15-10-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Water Tariff revision w.e.f 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 vide order No.G.O.(Ms.) No. 9/2021/WRD Dated 10/02/2021.

Date 05-09-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Amnesty Scheme Circular vide No.KWA/HO/RMC/R3/598/2022 (I)  Dated 21/07/2022.

Date 09-08-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Direction issued vide Circular No.KWA/HO/RMC/R2/615/2022 Dated 17/06/2022 for the updation of Meter Reader details in e-Abacus software and disciplinary action taken for non-performance.

Date 18-06-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Direction issued vide Order No.7008/AEIII (OPERATIONS)/2022/KWA Dated 15/06/2022 for the timely rectification of Leak reported in AQUALOOM Portal.

Date 18-06-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Marking of Government Consumer in e-Abacus software - Direction issed vide circular No.12674/AO(RMC)/2022/KWA Dated 25/05/2022.

Date 29-05-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Ready Reckoner for Meter Reader for reading taken in the month of May 2022.

Date 01-05-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Vide Order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R3/134/2022 Dated 25/04/2022, simplified the procedure for converting Connection to Casual/Special Connection and vice versa during the building demolished/ Construction period.

Date 26-04-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Vide order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R2/11107/2021  dated 22/04/2022, directed to issue water bill printed copy along with SMS until further orders.

Date 23-04-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Direction issued for the smooth functioning of Section Offices vide Circular No.6510/E1/2020/KWA Dated 23/03/2022.

Date 30-03-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Sanctioned the waiving power of additional fine due to compound interest, to the Revenue Officer vide Circular No.21097/AO(RMC)/2021/KWA Dated 01/02/2022.

Date 02-02-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Direction issued for the implementation of SMS Billing vide Circular No. KWA/HO/RMC/R2/11107/2021 dated 20/01/2022.

Date 21-01-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Due date for the receipt of Application from BPL Consumers for Water Charge Exemption for the year 2022 is extended upto 31/03/2022 vide circular dated KWA/HO/RMC/R2/1044/2020 Dated 19/01/2022.

Date 21-01-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Special Adalath for the redressal of Jalanidhi Complaints and Other Complaints vide Circular No.25401/AO(RMC)/2021/KWA Dated 18/01/2022.

Date 21-01-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Revised the monthly water consumption w.e.f 01/10/2014 as 15 KL for BPL Consumers vide Circular No.KWA/HO/RMC/R2/1080/2008 Dated 21/05/2015.

Date 07-01-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Revenue Adalath 2018 - Directions issued by the Managing Director and allowed leak benefit Onece in every ten year vide Letter No.KWA/HO/RMC/R6-1463/2017 Dated 28/02/2018.

Date 07-01-2022
File Size 337 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Revision of Concessional Rate for Hidden leakage under domestic category w.e.f 01/10/2014 as Rs.25/KL for consumption beyond 50 KL per month and allowed remission of Rs.15 per KL vide order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R4/243/2010 dated 25/05/2015.

Date 07-01-2022
File Size 379.79 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Introduction of Bimonthly Meter Reading and Billing System w.e.f 01/10/2001 vide Resolution No.5878 in 222th meeting dated 27/08/2001.

Date 07-01-2022
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Kerala Water Authority - Exemption of Water Charge for BPL Consumers revised criteria vide order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R2/1080/2008 Dated 13/02/2019.

Date 27-12-2021
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Kerala Water Authority - Exemption of Water Charge for BPL Consumers revised criteria vide order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R2/2009 Dated 17/12/2009.

Date 27-12-2021
File Size 206.1 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Exemption of Water Charge for BPL Consumers sanctioned vide order No.KWA/HO/RMC/02/2009 Dated 11/02/2009.

Date 27-12-2021
File Size 386.09 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Enhancement of Delegation of Powers in sanctioning Leak Benefit and One Time Settlement vide Order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R4-001/2016 Dated 26/09/2016.

Date 27-12-2021
File Size 1.56 MB
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Kerala Water Authority - Circular issued vide No.8423/SS I (RMC)/2021/KWA Dated 11/12/2021 regarding the refund of Casual Deposit Refund.

Date 17-12-2021
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Water Resources Department -  Water Supply to all Orphanage and Old age Homes registered with Orphange Control Board at Domestic Rate - sanctioned vide order No.GO(Rt) 1457/2012/WRD Dated 13/12/2012.

Date 09-12-2021
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Kerala Water Authority - Vide Circular No.22852/AO(RMC)/2021/KWA Dated 02/12/2021, clarification issued that the Water Supply & Sewerage Amendment Act issued on 05/01/2009 without retrospective effect hence it is not applicable to the water connection taken prior to 05/01/2009.

Date 03-12-2021
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Kerala Water Authority - Circular No. 21097/AO(RMC)/2021/KWA Dated 18/11/2021 for the Interest re-calculation for dues in Non Domestic Connection @ 2% simple interest for each month and waiving of balance amount in Consumer Ledger.

Date 19-11-2021
File Size 61.73 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Duties and Responsibilities of Revenue Head Clerk vide order No.12131/E9/2020/KWA Dated 16-10-2020

Date 19-11-2021
File Size 66.81 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Circular No.KWA/HO/RMC/R1/1080/2020 Dated 20/12/2020 reagarding Complaint against Meter Reading taken by Kudumbasree/HR Meter Reader.

Date 12-11-2021
File Size 101.04 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Revision of Water Tariff w.e.f 01/10/2014 vide Order No.G.O(MS) No.88 /2014/WRD Dated 25/09/2014.

Date 12-11-2021
File Size 267.52 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Revision of Water Tariff w.e.f 01/04/2021 vide Order No.G.O.(Ms) No.9/2021/WRD Dated 10/02/2021.

Date 12-11-2021
File Size 216.38 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Water Charge tariff revision up to 01/10/2014.

Date 12-11-2021
File Size 49 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - MOU between Managing Director of KWA and Kudumbasree Executive Director on 18/06/2008 regarding the deployment Kudumbasree members for taking Meter Reading.

Date 12-11-2021
File Size 1.01 MB
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Kerala Water Authority - Duties and Responsibilities of Revenue Related Staff vide order No.KWA/HO/AM-16/RM Dated 12/05/2005.

Date 12-11-2021
File Size 8.78 MB
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Kerala Water Authority - Revised due date for water bill payment and rate of fine for delayed payment of Domestic consumers have been revised w.e.f 01/09/2021 vide order No 1401/SS I(RMC)/2021/KWA Dated 24/08/2021.

Date 24-08-2021
File Size 52.66 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - KWA Cash Counter will be Open in all days from 9 am to 5 pm including holodays in March 2021 vide Circular No.KWA//HO/RMC/R2/326/2021 Dated 04/03/2021.

Date 05-03-2021
File Size 61.26 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Deployment of Last Grade Servant for Meter Reading Purpose - Enhancement of Special Allowance vide Order No.KWA/JB/E1-6612/2003 Dated 02/12/2009.

Date 07-01-2021
File Size 144.84 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Revised Meter reading target w.e.f 01/01/2021 vide Order No.KWA/HO/RMC/R1/950/2020 Dated 31/12/2020.

Date 31-12-2020
File Size 84.75 KB
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Kerala Water Authority - Redeployment of staff as Meter Reading and Revenue related activities - order issued vide No.12521/JS I/(EST)/2020/KWA Dated 16-10-2020.

Date 17-10-2020
File Size 233.05 KB
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